tales from the wayside

I started for telling short stories - then about the home remodel (not happening) - now ... just random outtakes and foolish assumptions.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Information in ever diminishing circles

Some time ago, my wife bought me a wireless keyboard-mouse combination. They’re quite nice, made by Hewlett-Packard and they work wonderfully.

Being no stranger to computer peripherals, I hooked them up and started playing with them, disregarding the instruction booklet as just more packaging material.

I happened to page through it in a moment of complete boredom while waiting for a large application to load, reboot, load, reboot and so on.

I came across this. (I added the circles).

This is why I don’t read instructions.


Blogger Anvilcloud said...


2:29 PM  

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