tales from the wayside

I started for telling short stories - then about the home remodel (not happening) - now ... just random outtakes and foolish assumptions.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Friday, March 10, 2006

18 years ago

I stood in front of my brother, my best friend beside me as my sister-in-law played the bridal march on her little lap harp. If my friend had a grin on his face that seemed to threaten to split his skull in half, I think I might have matched it from sheer nervousness.

My sister, the maid of honor, came down the hallway of my parent’s living room first, in that step-stop march you never see anywhere other than a wedding ceremony.

Friends and family crowded into that room –which once seemed spacious – my brother, an ordained minister, officiated.

I had lost my job less than a week before. Truthfully, it wasn’t the sort of job you’d really miss, and the pay was pathetic, but it was at least income. Because we were so broke at our wedding, we saved money by having the ceremony at the house, asking relatives to help out and …. Ready?..... the reception was pot-luck. It was what we could do at the time, and I wasn’t about to give this woman who consented to marry me time to recant.

That was 18 years ago as of Sunday. In the last 18 years, we lost four of the people who were there and dear to us, friends have drifted away, some folks have moved out of the state.

We took allot of video that day, and we still keep the tape in a safe location, but I almost never watch it. I remember that day vividly: the nervousness, the laughter, the almost forgotten vows we wrote and tried to memorize, running away for JUST long enough to assure each other that it really happened and that we were actually married.

It was a good day, and one I revisit often.

Happy Anniversary Chelsea!


Blogger Roy Clemmons said...

Congrats to both of you. SInce I don't watch VHS anymore, I'm thinking of converting my old VHS tapes over to CD (or DVD). First, I have to purchase a VHS player or attempt to use the one we junked a awhile back....we don't even have one hooked up!!!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Melodee said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!

11:39 PM  

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