tales from the wayside

I started for telling short stories - then about the home remodel (not happening) - now ... just random outtakes and foolish assumptions.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Started a second BLOG

I have decided to try another BLOG, one more in line with the original intent of this one. I find I miss having little random thoughts published to the world as though they were vastly more important than they are and have created a new blog: Life In The Middle Ages. It’s mostly unrelated reflections about entering the middle aged portion of my life and hopefully there will be some humor involved in a literary mid-life crisis.

I will still post here as this is kind of the personal-let’s-go-into-the-kitchen-and-talk BLOG where I keep in sporadic touch with some very good new and old friends. There may be a few more truck shots, but I’ll try real hard avoid it, and I’ll keep up (as well as I have been, anyway) with updates on selling the house and where life seems to be leading us, so don’t give up on this one just yet.


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