tales from the wayside

I started for telling short stories - then about the home remodel (not happening) - now ... just random outtakes and foolish assumptions.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

IT'S OVER! The tales are done.

It’s time to change the BLOG.

I originally began this BLOG as an outlet for writing, a place where I could stretch my creativity a little. What I found instead was a small community of people I have begun to cherish who are interesting, witty and friendly.

So, although I have now gone to writing purely fiction and that only for my own creativity’s sake rather than general distribution, I did not want to loose the virtual connections I have made.

Instead of telling stories, I thought what I might do in order to keep up the appearance that I am still alive, and to stay a part of the community, is to chronicle what may be one of the best or worst decisions I have ever made.

We have been living in the same home for many, many, MANY years now. In the last ten years, the value of the house has TRIPLED.


As we owe a bit less than a third of the current value (!), we have decided it’s time to take a part of the equity and reinvest it into the house.

Our house is currently a two-bedroom-one-bath-tiny-925-sq-foot matchbox sitting on a 10,000 sq foot lot (about a ¼ acre). It’s time to enlarge.

So – I thought that perhaps instead of months-long silences, I would take this BLOG space, this little section of the web, and regale anyone who cares (I did say you folks were friendly) about the progress of our expansion.

To this end, let me begin here by saying that we are having a meeting with a gentleman this Saturday. He’s the husband of someone I work with, and he’s a designer, structural expert and experienced in home expansion and landscape design. He’s going to help us draw up plans, get coding and permits and even help us hire contractors.

This is exciting and frightening. This is either going to turn out GREAT or be the biggest nightmare I ever backed into.

Either way, I’ll try to be sure you get a front row seat for all the action.

Lucky you.


Blogger karla said...

TRIPLED? I think I am living in the wrong section of the planet.

It has always been a bit of a dream of ours (and by bit I mean something that we'll probably never ever be able to do) to design and build our own home.

To say I am envious of you in an understatement. I look forward to reading about your progress. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two along the way ;-)

7:15 AM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Congratulations, Good Luck and I look forward to reading!

11:15 AM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I find that blogs change, partly because you begin to write to friends more than strangers. So, I find myself starting to mention my daily events more. I just don't want to get too far into a littany, starting with breakfast and ending with brushing my teeth at night.

11:26 AM  

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