tales from the wayside

I started for telling short stories - then about the home remodel (not happening) - now ... just random outtakes and foolish assumptions.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Monday, June 05, 2006

Too hot for the Internet.

It’s 1140F.

It’s HOT.

Real hot.

The high-speed-cable-flying-superfast-gotta have it- internet connection for which I am paying vast amounts of money each and every month stops working at 3PM and take a siesta until about 9PM. I finally diagnosed the issue (they couldn’t get anyone out to look at it over the weekend, so I traced the connections down myself).

Apparently, the person(s) who installed the system weren’t from around here. I say that because anyone who has been here at least one summer knows better that to put ANYTHING on the west side of the house. Having said that, there is the great fool who put our 5 foot living room window on the west side of the house, and the greater fool who bought a house with a 5 foot-west-facing window.

But back to the story….

The afternoon sun starts baking this sealed internet box (no I didn’t open it), and whatever electronic duct tape is rolling around inside overheats and shuts down the system until the day cools off enough for it to cautiously and timidly attempt to reconnect with the world. Now, while I have to agree that it’s too hot to work during the afternoon, I need my internet. The only reason I pay these prices is because dialup causes high blood pressure. Downloading through dialup is very similar to paying strict attention to drying paint.

Then too, it’s too hot to work up much energy to get upset at the thing, so … I’ll make the service provider do it.

In the meantime, it’s hot – did I mention that?

I’m driving around in a black pickup with black interior.

I’m not from around here, either. It’s only been 30 years, I’m not acclimated yet.


Blogger karla said...

I was in Nevada and Arizona in June three years ago.

I don't know how one can adapt to such heat. Seriously, consuming 14 gallons of water does nothing to keep one hydrated and cool in those temps.

Maybe that's why someone complained when you let your grass grow a millimeter over the limit last year...they were cranky and delusional from the heat!

4:05 PM  
Blogger Darius said...

Guess these high tech problems sometimes have low tech solutions.

Funniest I ever heard was from an IT guy who had the job of having to tactfully explain to a woman that the reason she was having trouble with her space bar was on account of her breasts depressing it!

8:23 AM  

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