tales from the wayside

I started for telling short stories - then about the home remodel (not happening) - now ... just random outtakes and foolish assumptions.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Friday, June 23, 2006

Wanna hear a secret?


Hey, come here.

I got something to tell you, but it’s a secret, don’t tell.

We called a realtor.

Right now we’re just thinking about it, but we’re thinking seriously about getting a somewhat bigger house.

Keep your fingers crossed and pray if you got 'em, 'cause we’re not sure about this, but it “feels right”


Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Good luck with this. It may be a lot easier and simpler than Plan A. Whatever you end up doing, I hope that it works out. Peace and joy.

7:24 AM  
Blogger karla said...

I can't help but agree with the wise man above. Home renovations are awesome, but a real big pain the ass. Fun times ahead!

10:19 AM  

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